Read about Per at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus

Picture of Per Poulsen

Clinical professor

MD, PhD, Dr. Med. SCi
+45 29 84 62 42

Principal Investigator

Research areas

  • Diabetic complications
  • Blood pressure
  • Arterial stiffness
  • Subclinical coronary artery disease

Research description

  • My main research focus is hemodynamic risk factors in relation to diabetic late complications. We have described the role of hemodynamic risk factors in diabetic nephropathy and cardiac complications. In the later years, we have focused on arterial stiffness and central blood pressure measured both invasively and non-invasively.

  • In the coming years, we will focus on risk stratification by subclinical coronary atherosclerosis. Furthermore, we will characterize the hemodynamic effects of novel anti-glycaemic drugs, recently shown to reduce cardiovascular and renal outcomes in T2DM patients. An understanding of the disease mechanisms reversed by these drugs will provide important information regarding subclinical pathophysiology in high-risk patients, and may serve as a stepping-stone towards development of primary preventive measures.

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