Talks and workshops at 'Pie & AI:Aarhus' will cover a wide range of topics in data science and their impact on clinical research.

Our aim is to bring the data science and clinical research communities together, therefore we organize the programme in a way that both communities can get inspired and learn something new at our events. Talks will rarely require significant prior knowledge about the techincal details behind AI methods.

Our ambition is to facilitate a global forum for discussion of hot topics in data science, especially in artificial intelligence and machine learning, with high relevance and potential for clinical research. We hope that the hybrid format, combining the advantages of physical and online events, will help us to bring together a diverse audience.

Pie & AI is a series of DeepLearning.AI meetups independently hosted by the community. Events at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus are hosted by DeepLearning.AI ambassador Adam Hulman.

Upcoming events

Past events


Adam Hulman
Associate Professor & Senior data scientist
+45 2370 7481