Steen Bønløkke Pedersen, MD, PhD, D.M.Sc

Professor and Chief Physician
+45 2342 7168

Clinical activities (Danish)

  • Klinisk tovholder for udvikling af nye behandlingstilbud med fokus på forebyggelse og type 2-diabetes
  • Klinisk tovholder for indsats om Multidisciplinære Teamkonferencer

Principal Investigator

Research areas

  • Obesity
  • Brown adipose tissue
  • Low-grade inflammation
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Adipose tissue metabolism

Research description

  • My primary interest is translational studies on the importance of white and brown adipose tissue metabolism for whole body metabolism.

  • Clinical studies; with focus on weight loss and exercise, whole body metabolism, low grade inflammation combined with characterization of metabolism and changes in mRNA expression in fat and muscle biopsies.

  • Brown adipose tissue (BAT); development of new MRI-based methods to assess BAT activity in humans coupled with studies on how to activate human BAT.

  • Cultured white and brown adipocytes; to investigate direct effects of various compounds/hormones on cell metabolism and gene expression.

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